Meet the Host

Blast Shows

I have worked in Radio since 2011, presenting live shows for a couple of stations in various slots.
But In 2018 I decided to host my own pre-recorded show, my first was called A Blast From the Past, which looked at old charts from the UK and US, this stopped in 2020..but is still heard on some stations to this day.
A Blast From The 80s was also born in 2018, A Blast From the 90s was introduced in 2020, and then in 2022 A Blast From The 00s was launched.
During this time I have been very fortunate to have spoken to many musicians from these decades.
We have chatted about their previous and current work, tours, the music industry and personal life too, I’ve even made one musician cry during an interview.
All 3 shows also have your input too, and without your messages and emails, it wouldn’t be the same…So thank you, and keep them coming.