The Indie Show

Hi my name is James and I’m new to radio. When someone asks me what type of music I like I always say “everything” and I really do mean everything. I can start a day listening to Jay Z and end it listening to Nirvana. My love of music probably comes from my parents they have always played such a mixture of music from the Beatles to Bob Marley and everything in between whether it’s pop, reggae, rock , jazz or classical I’ve always appreciated it all. I can’t cover all of that in one show but what I can do is share one of my major music loves “indie music”. I was a teenager between 2004 and 2009 so what is now known as 00s music was very much my thing and specifically indie music such as Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Florence and the Machine, The Kooks, The Strokes etc. So many to name and that’s what this show will be indie anthems and more recent hits not just 00s but from other decades too. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.